On September 6, American Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi was killed after Israeli troops fired on a demonstration in the Nablus region of the West Bank. The shooting death of the 26-year old U.S. citizen has prompted growing calls for the Biden Administration to conduct its own independent investigation, as Eygi’s family has urged.
Common Dreams’ Jake Johnson reports:
Dylan Williams, vice president for government affairs at the Center for International Policy, said Monday that “the Biden Administration should be launching its own investigation into the killing of an American citizen.” “Instead,” he added, “it’s deflecting and deferring to Israel to hold its own soldiers and settlers accountable, which Israel has repeatedly failed to do.”
In a separate post on X, Williams added that the Biden Administration must act in accordance with U.S. laws and policies, calling on U.S. officials to suspend security assistance to the units involved, conduct an investigation per the Civilian Harm Incident Response Guidance (CHIRG) and launch an FBI probe.